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E.U. Cuts Aid to Greece in Refugee Crisis

The European Union has formally cut its aid to NGO’s in Greece this past month that have been helping in the rescue and preservation of refugees in the region over the past several years. Many believe it signals that the refugee crisis, and especially the outflow of refugees from Turkey, are slowing down significantly enough for it to be no longer necessary to fund these aid groups. However, for many of the aid workers and Greeks on the forefront of the refugee crisis, the outlook is more bleak; according to a joint statement put out by Doctors Without Borders, Save the Children, Doctors of the World, and others ”To date, no [Greek] national response plan has been released, and information about how the transition will be implemented is severely lacking." Thus, it is a fear shared by many that the EU has left Greece unequipped to deal with one of the largest, and certainly, the most costly humanitarian crisis of our lifetime. At this time, some countries, including the Untied States, are providing Greece with resources to help upkeep the already existing refugee camps and programs in the country.

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